There is a difference between money raised for the endowments and Federal grant money. The grant money has to be spent on the specific research or program it was awarded for. That's generally going to be salaries and expenses (you'd be surprised how expensive lab equipment and supplies are). Endowment money can be spent on capital improvements, student grants and aid, etc. Not necessarily wisely, of course ....

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Simple story: It’s money laundering benefiting Democrats.

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Why can’t they pay their fair share?

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Calvin Coolidge would be rolling in his grave right now. Absolute madness.

There's no reason why private institutions like these should be receiving funds from the public if they're already charging students ludicrous amounts as is. They shouldn't be able to get away with double dipping- in both the government/taxpayer's wallets and those of attendees. The only thing it encourages is corruption and wasteful spending.

The left should stop focusing on free and universal education and call out the corruption (like this) that exists in the education system. These statistics confirm further what I already suspected, but reinforce my belief that not a single penny more should be thrown at this problem until these issues are resolved.

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This makes one shake their head in disbelief. God help us.

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(1) I had never known of the "excessive endowments tax." Seems like a small step in the right direction.

(2) University of Chicago say their endowment end of FY 2022 is $10.4 billion, more than the bottom 3 on your list (https://annualreport.uchicago.edu/the-endowment/).

(3) I don't think you mentioned the exemption from local real estate taxes, which are a huge break.

Thanks for this compilation and your other work!

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Tax exempt status... for pumping woke-sewage into society? That needs to change.

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At $500-1500 per credit hour (at these 'prestigious' institutions) you would think they might be able to afford not to milk taxpayers. https://www.bestcolleges.com/research/college-cost-per-credit-hour/

However, having killed off many of the parents of would be attendees, by jabocide, as well as the potential students, the colleges have shot themselves in both feet. Should be interesting.

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Looks like many grants to UPenn were awarded more than others due to their relationship with Biden and his storage of classified documents (all illegal since docs were taken when he was only a Senator or VP). Looks like collusion to me.

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The privileged at the elite universities tell us how privileged we are and how we should be more equitable. But, as usual, the leftists/Marxists don't practice what they preach. Too bad that history tells us when the communist dictators take control, the intellectuals are the first to go ...

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We got the worst of both worlds.

Universities and medical systems are both funded by taxes and private money.

Double corruption.

Might as well let the government run it, at least we know who to complain to.

Fascism is the merger of the state and corporations and we have that crap.

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More government? No way. Unless you want them to “invest” YOUR money.

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We already have the worst of two sides.

Government pays private industry to provide services.

In fact, despite rising costs, universities pay less and less to professors and staff. It's been known that they tend to hire adjunct profs that make very little money.

Get rid of the middleman, why do we need executives and administration of universities making tons of money?

That's why state and city universities are cheaper, despite having a higher rate of unionizing. There's much less waste without extensive investors tied in.

Think of them as economic parasites.


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