Biden really wasn't kidding when he announced to all of America that he wants the whole country to eventually 'look like California.' Brick by brick, this awful administration is dismantling, disemboweling our country's economy, education system, energy systems, voting and election standards, homeland safety and security, devalued our currency, caused food, fuel, housing, and energy shortages --- all while deflecting the focus on THOSE things, so they can continue outrageous spending and unbridled immigration and crime rate escalation. I live in north Los Angeles county and TODAY the price of 87 octane (regular) gasoline is $6.30/gallon. Most working people here in my area must commute to metro L.A. everyday. While that may be 50-100 miles one way, the freeways are woefully gridlocked. Yes we have a MetroLink train system but it is incredibly inefficient PLUS if a person needs to be on the job in L.A. by 8 a.m. or even 7 a.m. and they start up here in the Antelope Valley, that translates to at least a 3 hour ride EACH WAY...the incredible burden commuting puts on workers is 8-10 hr workday plus 6 to ride a train and no time for family or care and attention to children in the home. It is awful. Our area has really brought people in for the housing affordability, which isn't all that affordable to most folks. But we have covered the once-beautiful landscape with endless miles of solar arrays and to the north, wind turbines. Our roads are single lanes in each direction, on most of the main arteries, thanks to bike lanes and center barriers. The roads are in such awful condition and our property taxes seem not to cover any of the listed assessments and crime and homelessness here has overtaken the top of the crime "Million Dollar 'Hood' roster replacing Compton. My God, everything has gotten so worrisome it has brought me to my knees, wondering what I will need to do about work when $6.25/gallon has ravaged my budget so badly (I am an independent courier after coming out of retirement). Now we are having a major water crisis. But, U-Haul is doing a bang-up business, for sure. All that will be left are the homeless and those on govt assistance. People with money are leaving like crazy.

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Most of the issues aren't from california itself, but the way the economy has flipped into finance and real estate causing homelessness and poverty even on good wages.

Not to mention that because many other states lack benefits for those in poverty, a lot of them take a bus from texas etc to california etc... Some states were caught doing this!

Now if we could spend 40BLN on ukraine blank check, why not 20 bln on homelessness? That would reduce crime by a lot. But every year theres more money for war and big pharma etc... never for the issues that would solve a lot more problems by being ameliorated.

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Excellent article. Frightening what Democrats have done to our state.

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Excellent analysis, Mr. Hanson is extremely wise. I have also started writing about the decline of California, I’d appreciate feedback:


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The Kool-Aide is quite concentrated in Cali. The midterms will be a window into possibilities. But now with the abortion boogie man out roaming the streets again it might just consume some of the single maskers (down from double masking) and keep them beating that drum at the expense of ever taking the final mask off and whiffing the smell of death in their state.

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I’m fearful the tribalism and devotion to democrats is too strong in California.

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Matthew, you are doing great work. Keep it up. You probably know I, a native Californian, moved to South Carolina in 2020.

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Do you run away or FIGHT? What starts in Californian does not end in California, so when it gets to South Carolina, to where do you run next?

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I fought for 25 years and it only got worse.

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You did not fight enough... We are at the bottom, there is one way only and it is up.

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If things don't improve in the US, then I go to Israel

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Israel?! Hahaha! It is as bad as in the USA PLUD terrorism circus: "Putting the Arabs on Notice: Israel is Not Your Frivolous Killing Field: @ https://newsblaze.com/world/israel/putting-the-arabs-on-notice-israel-is-not-your-frivolous-killing-field_183960/


Democracy on a Suicide Path; Israeli-Arabs As New Homeowners In Israel @


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My dream is that the Florida my California and I can move back someday!

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Suggesting hope for CA might mean change in other places as well, we can hope.

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Wow. I wish I could double tap the line button to love. Victor Hanson is one of my favorite people to listen to. He’s always soft spoken but his reasoning is always spot on. This article speaks volumes about more than the state of CA, but also hopefully other states overrun with criminals crossing our border with Biden’s blessing and promises of free housing, medical, school, cash and phones. I feel hopeful after reading this.

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VDH is the best!! A must-read for classical history buffs is his recent "Living the Satyricon." https://victorhanson.com/living-the-satyricon/

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