I can feel the rage. Don't get in its way.

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The KEY to the whole shamdemic was the suppression of early treatments. There's no PANDEMIC with early treatments. No emergency authorization for the vaccines. The suppression of early treatments was the foundation for this phony sham to rid Trump from office and give power to the Democrat Nazis of America.

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Hang her too.

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It would appear that whoring for big pharma pays quite well.

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We have friends that died alone thanks to these two megalomaniacs.

They deserve the same fate for what they have done.

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What's the saying about a Duck? BIOTERRORISM!

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Fauci is no more a "doctor" than Jill Biden. He's never practiced medicine and has no credentials. As a firefighter/EMP - i've treated more patients than Fouxi!

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I'd go to Max Jacobson before I'd go to Fauci. As far as I know, amphetamine doesn't cause clots. If you take enough it can damage your heart, but just a little will not damage a healthy heart.

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The god complex is very much a part of human nature. A person of weak character will let this flaw grow and feed the ego. People like a Christine Grady or an Anthony Fauci become victims of this flaw because of their position and influence (aka unelected, high-level health bureaucrats). The “health crisis” rockets them (and several others) from deep state obscurity to national prominence. Bureaucrats treasure recognition of their position and influence, but to be publicly recognized and sought after is a dream come true. The media breathlessly seeks out and finds a photogenic, articulate, creditable expert to “make copy”. And so the god complex grows and the truth is hidden in the narrative. Obfuscations, intimidations, demonizations, speech suppressions, mischaracterizations are used so the power of the fear mongers can prevail over the truth. The truth…herd immunity protects, mRNA vaccines are at best prophylactics, the virus is an influenza, a danger to only the elderly and infirm, cloth masks are ineffective, you die of the virus or with the virus, hospital compensations distort death reports, contrary opinions/evidence suppressed, only biased research funded…is now overtaking the narrative.

Our Founding Fathers designed a government to give Americans the liberty to protect ourselves from these false gods.

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Where is the line in “public health” and inalienable rights about life. It sounds like the husband making the virus in the lab and the wife deciding how to manage the people ethically after they are exposed....excuse me but How about we let God run this show not you two mucking around w this shit?

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I would like to be present when the quack comes face to face with his Maker.

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Another solid article Adam regarding the dangerous fauci oligarchs. They hold an elitist position and have lost touch with regular humanity as well as the frontline doctors who actually dealt day to day with the disease. To think they were the scientific experts and limited us to vaccines and nothing else was the height of stupidity. They completely lost sight of all the other measures that could have saved lives, like preventatives (hydroxychloroquin, ivermectin etc used in other countries effectively) and natural immunity which comes with the viral cycle. The voices of nurses, doctors, and other researchers were silenced. Why? Why? What an absolute travesty. The lonely death syndrome, many of those elderly, was the opposite of compassion. Why couldn’t they even feel this pain? Never mind the pain between family relations broken over vaxers vs anti vaxers. Then there are lifetime businesses that died and families that are still suffering. What about the VAERS victims. They need to face these people and pay for their medical bills and losses. Both Fauci and Grady were and are blinded by their intellectual elitists’ views and need to be kicked out of all health organizations and silenced forever. I hope that all the truth comes forth so this travesty never, never happens again.

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"By 2021 her public statements never suggested a limit to sacrifices the individual should ethically make on behalf of “public health,” from masking, to taking vaccines, to foregoing family gatherings even at the point of one’s own death."


You can't really "sacrifice" something if you don't have a choice -- that's bullying or coercion or threatening or a million other words, but never sacrifice.

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Not just the Atlantic.....Scientific American, too...... "New Evidence Supports Animal Origin of COVID Virus through Raccoon Dogs

Genetic sequences show evidence of raccoon dogs and other animals at the Wuhan market sites where SARS-CoV-2 was found in early 2020, adding to evidence of a natural spillover event"


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Shouldn't everyone be ethical? How does one get paid for saying that's her occupation?

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May each of these two die alone.

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You might want to investigate and promote the Baby Rico case that involves Fauci. Back in 2012, Fauci worked to kidnap about 60 babies with an experimental Phase 1 toxicity trial of AIDS drugs by working with child protective services to take away infants from mothers who did not want to participate in research. The story is in Steve Nagel's Substack: https://stevenagel.substack.com/

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I suggest we fire Grady, and replace her with Freedom Fox. The put Grady in prison.

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Fire the whole lot of them! Replace them with any mechanic, plumber, farmer, any tradesperson. I'll take the ethics of people who work with their hands over any academic with any "Dr." or Phd next to their name.

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