The Federal Reserve gave info on 367 employee's salaries. The second circuit CoA declared any official record of the Fed banks is subject to FOIA. Bloomberg v Fed. 2010. Does that help ?

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Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX uses the same accounting system as the post office.

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Also this huge red flag ... 100 U.S. House Reps co-sponsoring the billions of dollars Cures Act 2.0 which states the ARPA-H awarded financial assistance and research should be exempt from FOIA - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/the-proposed-cures-20-act-2021-2022

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The founding fathers were well versed in Roman history. They all believed that standing armies were dangerous because they’d become extralegal power centers.

I think we will find standing bureaucracies to be similar.

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Thank you very much. These officials are working for us and have to be accountable. I live in Germany. Here the government since Merkel took power, it has degenerated into the most corrupt, most inept government in the history of this nation since WWII. The present government is extremely corrupt and only answers to the WEF. Our prime minister is involved two of the biggest financial scandals of this century (Cumex files) and (wirecard), but he is getting away with it because he “doesn’t remember”.

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Come on, Adam! Don't you know that the way we protect democracy is to not allow the plebes to learn what we're doing in DC?

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I appreciate this work. I support it. It's part of the grander scheme of tasks citizens can do to help, if at all possible, save America. I ask you to please put the no-jab requirement on your website. If it's there, I didn't see it just now.

Please also for the sake of transparency, outline on your website where your donation dollars go, the salaries and expenses your organization has. This feels fair and behaving in the light you wish and push to have others operate within.

Thank you.

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Openthebooks do important work and I wanted to donate to support them. However, I no longer donate to organizations who require their employees, volunteers, or clients to have taken a Covid jab, and Openthebooks didn't respond to my inquiry about this.

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We don't have a Covid-jab requirement and didn't see your email. Thanks for reaching out. Here's a quick link to support our work:


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Thanks and I will be sending a check. You're not the first to miss the first inquiry and respond to a second. I figured that a message here would have a better chance of getting attention.

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This is why all I can do is laugh out loud whenever someone announces with triumph that "we've got the bastards now" as they brandish a FOIA report.

Yeah, the people who enforce the thing you're using to demand information are going to hand you something that will get themselves in trouble. Because NOW they're acting with integrity.

These entities respond only to threats to their cash flow, their jobs, or their survival. Real power is the ability to say "so what?" to proof of your crime.

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"Real power is the ability to say "so what?" to proof of your crime."


Spot on.

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How much money has the US of lies and Arrogance throw into toilet of nUkraine?

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