Just finished listening to a Shawn Ryan podcast with Mike Benz about censorship. Check it out - you'll find out why he's part of the corruption that is trying to choke off X. Interesting reason for his 30 trips to China.

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By using the coercive and grammatically incorrect pronouns, the article became incoherent. No matter what the person chooses, there is only one correct English pronoun. It seems that the inmate in question is a female trying to become female. It's irrational. Use proper English or why bother. The article is an exercise in failed communication. It's not respectful to confuse your audience. Use plain and correct English.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19

This is why you don't attract sane (former) Democrats. First, there is the acquiescence to "preferred" pronouns. Do you also honor "preferred" bank account totals and one's own "preferred" socioeconomic status? OK, what about "preferred" race? Second, this is more about horror at the Dims' behavior than it is any care about women. There's plenty of horror to go around. Most of us ex-Dems/ Dims are looking for a party that reps us. Still haven't found one, but for me Bobby Kennedy Jr. was really close.

Oh, and the end game for sane former Ds is not coercion toward gay and Lesbian life. It's Leave people alone where no harm is done -- age and consent laws handle that nicely. G and L exist; T is a latch-on parasite. The end game for those who control us all is transhumanism -- whereby we become slaves of the uber elite and eat crickets. All of us. When will we realize we need to come together and stop that?

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you are doing no better by calling Lusk "her" and "she". You're playing right into and promoting the lie that led to this gross waste of resources by doing so.

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Google Christina Lusk and select images. A very unconvincing-looking “woman.”

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