wow, thanks for proving all the grift that gQpeds were doing and was discovered through this research..

You should.. you should do a story complaining about how police investigated all the insurrectionists and arrested them and pretend like there is something wrong with the police doing their job

I bet a lot of people like simple pöö missed all this

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I can only hope that Trump and his team will put a stop to this terrible waste of our money.

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These technocrat fakers and liars spoil the value and essence of "science", which is based on skepticism, and is always open to correction. That's why we have "theories", not "facts", in actual science.

As someone who learned from old-fashion science, I find it easy to see that these people are really authoritians, who assume we are all idiots who don't know that they know better.

When I was a kid, I liked to play "scientist" and make up words that sounded scientific, for fun.

Hey, what is a bilateral framistat, anyway?

No wonder in places like Cambodia, they killed anybody wearing spectacles. They could tell they were tricky liars, trying to deceive them.

This can not end well.

I have a good one for the "scientists" to explain: how is it that the twin towers "collapsed" at free-fall speed, while progressively crushing the undamaged structure below the collapse zone?

32 feet per second, per second. That is free fall. That does not include resistance from remaining structure below. In other words, easily disproven lies.

Shame on these "scientists". How surprised they may be when they leave this world, and face judgment!

Or maybe oblivion. I don't want to find out the hard way! God explains more about this universe than any pencil-neck geek with a "science" degree!

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Matt Taibbi and Walter Kern have a discussion on Monday nights on Racket News on YouTube at 8pm and Matt shared with Walter that his sources in DC say there is some serious information that is going to come out. Makes me wonder about the preemptive Fauci pardon. We'll see. Going to be a fun ride.

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The bottom line is that is a brazen violation of the First Amendment, and is illegal on its face.

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The research was great! I thought I was aware, but the level of evil for the few who knew the vaccines were designed murder weapons, and the money flowing downhill was received by people who thought they were doing the right thing.

What an upside-down reality. It ends up the researcher is pushing lies and blocking the truth, the HHS, NAS, NIH, and the universities and research facilities, award and receive money that is illegally drawn from the government as its intent is to censure free speech, clearly a crime. And, as it turns out, the money was spent to promote lies and dispel the truth. Oops. Nobody figured this out half way through?

The level of menticide attained on the population through mass phenomenon leaves people tied to a group with a purose that swallows up truth and lies. Facts just don't matter. Good and evil are not considered. These people suffering the mass phenomenon are hypnotized. Dangerously suggestable like wearing a mask when it is not nee;ded can be easily convinced to do an atrocity. They can hurt others or themselves but they are in a state of hypnosis. Joke, make fun of them---whatever it takes so they do not get hypnotized every day.

People involved in the coersive tactics will need someone stable to help them through into the reality of the fact they were an agent of death.

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i dont see the part describing how 'they' have BLOCK the EARNED social security benefits for FIVE+ years for life long patriots who happen to have a different vantage point regarding the safety and effectiveness of vaxxines

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Read the Letter of Constantinople of 1489.

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Great article, OTB! Thank you. Definitely will be sharing this with disgruntled people on all sides of the aisle who wonder why their tax dollars aren’t working for them and their brains have been thoroughly washed. (Well, some won’t wonder because their brains are thoroughly washed, but others will be hopping mad to know how much of their money was spent on the water and laundry soap.)

On a related note, A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) has done a terrific job revealing the forgotten side of medicine — vaccine and drug lies, censorship, public opinion manipulation, and so much more. If you haven’t explored AMD’s Substack yet, start with the curated index here: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/an-index-of-the-forgotten-side-of

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Very informative, especially the article on pain management, Tylenol / NSAIDS, and Gabapentin. Thanks for posting !

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“ $1,293,614, Department of Health and Human Services, University of Iowa. To leverage trusted community members to address “disparities in COVID testing and vaccine uptake.” “


I wonder how much it costs to “leverage” a single “trusted community member”.

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I knew it was bad, however I am disgusted. Our tax $, our hard-errand money is being used to hurt us. This is crazy.

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So you're saying that there was a reason, that all my comments on ScrewUTube were getting deleted and shadow-banned, and a very effective Nobel prize-winning human medicine, was being called "Horse Paste"...

Good to know.

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LOL. This is propaganda.

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Thanks for all the hard work uncovering the astonishing waste and subterfuge.

I am a retired industrial chemist and have watched with dismay the debasement of science by politics, especially over the last 4 years and by PRC espionage over the last 35 years or so.

Here is one stranger than fiction article along these lines:

"Scientists Say Asthma Inhalers Cause Global Warming"


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It's long because it's filled with the details accountants love and the public cries out for. I shared on half a dozen social media platforms.

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