Rest in Peace. Prayers for his family.

Our country will miss his good work.

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How did Adam die. He was too young to just die. God bless him for his work here on earth🙏🏻🙏🏻❤🙌

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Rest Peacefully Adam....

🙏 💜 😇 ❤️ 🙏

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FROM what in the hell did he die?

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I forgot to say Open the Books organization is Awesome, as was Adam.

Thank You

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I don't have a lot of money right now, but I've donated before and wanted to contribute just a little bit again in memory of Adam. However, the "Pledge your Support" button only takes me to a place where I only have the option of making continual donations (weekly, monthly, yearly) or no donation at all. Somebody should fix that. I'm sure there are more people like me that would like to make a small, single donation.

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It is with grave sorrow that I found out today, of the passing of Adam Andrzejewsk, (Birth 02--08-69, Death 18-08-24), at the age of 55 years. He was the founder of the greatest organization, easily the world over, to investigate wastage in government spending at every level and to hold those guilty, accountable.

OpenTheBooks.com is the legacy Adam Andrzejewski leaves behind.

We, at Leaf Blogazine wrote about Adam Andrzejewski, and published about his colossal work in an article called - New and Bold Republican Party is Born, in November of 2020.

Adam Andrzejewski will be greatly missed by not only his wife, children, family and friends, but by the whole Nation.

We at Leaf Blogazine mourn his passing, particularly, when we had earmarked him for great heights in this Country’s political map, in the days, months and years to come.

Our condolences to all at Open The Books, to his family and friends.

May Adam Rest In Peace ✝️ 💜 💐

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I understand he passed away peacefully that is very good to hear. Transparency could start with a cause of death along with the certainty % rate of that actually being the cause. Aneurism? Drug use? Vaccination sudden death? Believe me I understand a family wanting privacy but with understanding comes understanding. But don’t let us influence your decision too much. Listen to God and do what you think is right.

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He was a good and decent man. My condolences to his family. RIP Adam.

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Thank you.

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I was so sorry to hear this news. 💔

Gone too soon. Please do keep up your wonderful work!!

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The work you all do is crucial to the survival of our Republic. Condolences and continued success...

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Nobody is mentioning what he died from, so I am guessing he was jabbed up. Transparency for financials only, I guess. Honesty in this realm might save lives, just saying.

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Such a big loss for our country. My heart goes out to his family and friends.

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I had the good fortune of knowing Adam. Our paths crossed often. I admired him dearly. He was a hero. I’m so happy to know his legacy will continue. That is the greatest testament of all. Pax vobiscum.

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Our hearts go out to all who loved Adam Andrzejewski and what he did for America. We look forward to having Open the Books continue his legacy of shining light on how our government spends our money and treats its citizens.

Too many mysterious, sudden deaths like Adam's have occurred among younger people lately. Please consider telling those who loved and respected your founder what caused his sudden death. Some people consider cause of death to be personal and private, but wasn't Adam Andrzejewski an Open the Books kind of guy? Wouldn't he want others to know what happened and perhaps benefit from knowing?

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That would be up to his family. All I can find online is “sudden illness.”

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I worked with one of his sisters years ago, and followed him on and off now since just before he announced his run for governor. It's so very sad, and I do hope that they get this looked into properly. The public isn't owed an explanation but I think can be helpful in quelling speculation.

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