USAID # of employees variation is the real story. Why does it go from 0 to a few thousand depending on the administration???

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The Nation needs to acknowledge this work.

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Liz… thank you for taking the time to reply. 🙂

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Jeff... I appreciate your thoughtful response. I am ignoring all comments who have nothing of value to add to the conversation but ignorance and foolishness. I think we are both in agreement that the waste, overstaffing and fraud needs to be eliminated from the government agencies.

However, given the size and scope of the government, the process needs to be more intentional and initiated with an understanding of both the short-and long-term consequences the budget cuts will have on the safety and the health of Americans. I've held executive positions with large multi-billion-dollar successful corporations, and I have a good understanding of what the process needs to be for organizations that size and what the short- and long-term consequences are for making bad and impulsive decisions. Making those types of decisions for the entire U.S. government only magnifies the potential consequences exponentially.

The key points of my initial comments were... 1) more due diligence to understand the short- and long-term consequences; Mistakes could be monumental and long-lived beyond this administration; 2) Open the Books appears to be politically biased whereas I don't see them reporting on elimination of some of the important guardrails like IGs or the ongoing wasteful spending in the executive branch. If the executive branch is truly trying to be an honest broker with all this activity, they would ensure that their own house is clean before attacking other sectors in the government. Leadership starts at the top and it is not acceptable for the executive government to be talking out of both sides of their mouth. For Open Books to have credibility they will need to have the courage to call it out wherever it is... not just areas that makes them comfortable. They don't seem to be independently reporting the facts without favor to political party; and 3) I didn't mention this earlier but all employees, whether they work in the private or government sector should be treated with respect and dignity. That's my experience with the companies I work for and that does not seem to be happening in the current environment. I'm aware of many hard-working government employees who worked 10 - 20 years doing a great job, just to be told they are being fired without little notice. Sure, organizations need to reduce staff and cut costs, but the process needs to be handled respectfully. No human being should be treated that way.

So, in closing thank you for your considerate thoughts... I appreciate your point of view. T.S

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Good perspective— thanks

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This is not a full list. It’s how much money is spent and how many employees they have. Hate tells me nothing I need to know to make an informed decision as to whether this is waste fraud or abuse. And FYI…WFA isn’t something that you don’t AGREE money should be spent on. This money was allocated by congress, and no one has the ability to cancel those agreements but congress.

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I have subscribed to Open the Books for many years (20?) because it has tackled some important issues with statistics, not emotional anecdotes. Now I see the opposite--parroting of political/emotional talking points ("That’s a lot of DEI for Serbian workplaces and trans comic books for Peru."). I also see numbers that are not inflation-adjusted. I also see numbers that have not been adjusted for US population increases, which obviously would require a smaller baseline headcount and budget and thereby provided a fairly adjusted amount. Despite this, you have good arguments to make--stick with them and don't get sucked into the temptation to make it look even worse than it is. It destroys your credibility.

I would also suggest that government spending be compared to growth in the private sector --after all that is the real yardstick here, in terms of capture of our collective wealth. I did that and here's what I found: NET WORTH OF TOP ONE PERCENT HAS GONE UP BY ~500 PERCENT since 2000 (from $10 TRILLION to ~$50 TRILLION--LESS THAN, SAY, USAID's increase). NET WORTH OF BOTTOM 50 PERCENT HAS GONE FROM 1.4 TRILLION TO 3.9 TRILLION, SO 279 percent. The latter numbers are actually pathetic and explain a lot about both the Dem and Rep political establishments' capture by lobbyists for people who are addled by extreme greed. That's a hell of a lot of waste and corruption among the top one percent and their corrupt lackeys. Makes government GREED look like child's play ($50 trillion captured by top one percent, versus entire govt budget for 340 million people of $7.3 trilion.) While government waste, fraud, abuse are is a great subject to tackle, these numbers left me thinking: WHO ARE THE PARASITES HERE? And why isn't Open the Books using better yardsticks of comparison for government greed and corruption?


The Department of Education is obviously a cesspool of massive spending increases, that was excellent information. As a former school board member who resigned because I was attacked for bringing to light the massive waste and fraud I saw among admin, even on a local level, that aligns with my experience.

I know that is mission creep for Open the Books, but for context it would be great to see your govt increases compared to the wealth of the top one percent,. bottom 50 percent etc. As I discovered, that's where real yardstick of economic waste and greed shows up. As a person who is focused on societal corruption--wherever it is found--Open the Books has been a great resource. But let's make sure we use useful yardsticks of comparison--it would highlight the very real points you have to make. Context is everything. Thank you for considering this request.

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The rich got richer when the left locked down mom and pop businesses while allowing Hollywood and big box stores to stay open. Then they got even richer from interest on their wealth during sky high inflation while the rest of us suffered. Why did you resign from the school board and not fight the waste?

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Love your work. It's very important and relevant. I do have one nit to pick and that's the recent misuse of inappropriate apostrophes:

The plural of "NGO" is "NGOs", not the possessive "NGO's". I see this grammatical mistake made throughout popular and private literature. I don't know where this comes from since we all learned the proper use of possessive apostrophes in primary school, right? I started seeing this less than 10 years ago, so I assume it's related to autofill for text messages.

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Who can we call to help get cuts included asap.

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I thought the "Open The Books" site was a legitimate organization seeking transparency in government, but it appears you are just a political organization pushing its own preconceived agenda.

While we all understand there is wasteful spending across all government agencies, I hope you also recognize how critical these agencies are to our continued health and well-being. Who are we going to turn to when there is a natural disaster? Who is going to protect our families from environmental pollution leaching into our city's water supply. Drastically cutting staff and funding without fully understanding the immediate and long-term harm is not only irresponsible but also very dangerous for the American people. Successful businesses don't operate like that, and neither should the U.S. government.

One would have thought your organization would have been screaming from the rafters when the Inspector Generals were summarily fired without a credible plan for filling this void. These are the experts who monitor waste and fraud in government spending and help provide transparency. In addition, your silence about the wasteful spending coming out of the executive branch is deafening... for example, I haven't seen your reporting about the $10.7M taxpayers have paid for executive branch golfing excursions. And it is only February. Imagine the total cost at the end of the year if this is unchecked. Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-golf-doge_n_67b50fbfe4b0319f377e6c6a

It seems to me that you are not credibly reporting "ALL" government wasteful spending without bias and without favor to a particular political party. Also, spending must be viewed in context and its importance to the public's health and safety. Cutting spending for golfing excursions is very different from cutting spending on an important NIH cancer research project. If your future articles continue to be written only for the purpose of pushing a political agenda, I will in good conscience need to cancel my subscription. Please do better.

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You might be jumping to conclusions about what is being cut. Federal layoffs are amounting to less than 5% of the federal workforce. Only redundant, defunct, or truly ridiculous positions are being cut. There have been some mistakes which have been quickly remedied.

I share the frustration with the IGs since they were part of the ineffective response to the fraud, waste, and abuse that many of them discovered and reported on and then did nothing. If you have a comptroller that notes years of unexplained losses of your money and simply sat on the data, you might not be very happy with their performance either. Obviously, Congress has a large role to play in this, but they seem to be utterly hopeless when it comes to responsible spending and accountability.

I hope DOGE will eventually turn to the White House and evaluate how that money and time was spent. Not so sure that golfing is as bad as most might think since that's where a lot of meetings and business is taken care of. For example, when Trump put out the word on how to resolve the Gaza situation, he did that from the golf course. It's possible that while Biden was napping on the beach, he issued an order like cessation of LNG exports, though he claims he doesn't remember doing that now.

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You, TS, are quite obviously a troll. There's no "political agenda" here, just exposing where the money goes.

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Name calling when someone disagrees with you shows a lack of a good counter argument. Leads to emotional, crappy decisions. You can point out where the commenter is wrong. That would help me/them and everyone else understand your rebuttal.

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Thanks for this. Helps me understand why you think TS is off-base. 👍

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Just because a particular article does not address all the things that TS wants to hear, it does not mean the writers are politically biased.

It more likely means that TS is the one with a political agenda (projection), toward which he is trying to divert the discussion, and waste people's time.

The thing to do is to expose that trolling tactic, and not play along with it.

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Most of these agencies, particularly the bloat, is not critical to the American people and should be gotten rid of. We are a small government Constitutional Republic. This is a huge, out of control government. Fascinating that you link a Huffington Post article. You fret over some golf while billions are being slashed. Where’s your concern over the absence of the last supposed President and the insane amount of spending under the Marxists. We were being fundamentally transformed into a Marxist cesspool, yet you fret over golfing and creating a leaner and more responsive small government. Truly bizarre.

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You can't seriously think we can take you as a non-partisan organization, when you are making it so blatantly obvious you are not. Linking to X in your article immediately tells me you are going to bias toward the Republican party. I am not saying there isn't waste fraud and abuse in the Federal Government....but this is ridiculous and not the way to go about rooting it out and getting rid of it.

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Steffany, so what is your plan to go about rooting out waste fraud and abuse? And why hasn't someone been doing it in a way that's acceptable to you before now?

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It sounds as if you may be the biased one. This is an excellent article and this is absolutely the way to root out the waste, abuse and fraud. It’s the left out there screaming about finding the fraud and waste. Wonder why that is.

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Leave the tribalism at the door. Stick to the facts. We all want a more efficient government. So let’s look at the numbers and put them in context. Open the Books has done that in the past in a way that’s not too biased. Gotta keep them honest too.

Boring to take tribalism and emotion out of it but that’s where the truth lies.

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No, we don’t. The left want huge, suffocating government. That’s what we have and that’s what we’re getting rid of. We were founded as a small government Constitutional Republic and that’s what we’re trying to get back to. You want to see tribalism and emotion? Watch the left scream, chant and curse over finding fraud and waste. Perhaps you should take your own advice on tribalism and emotion.

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Great article! I will share with my readers. Amazing how the government just happens to be horrible at bookkeeping and insuring documents are up-to-date. Sort of feels like a cover-up? We've needed DOGE for decades. Glad they're on the job. To those who thought their do-nothing government job was the path to success, maybe if your definition of success contained "hard work" you'd have seen the government job was and is a progressive scam. FAFO for sure!

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Just wait till you start tracking CIA expenses

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I just read another article about education cuts, here we go the this got cut and that got cut all these cuts were helping the poor children! Yeah right, how come if all these were helping children, WHY ARE OUR CHILDREN FAILING? Every freaking time, the first things that are cut are essentials? Bull crappie! Cut your damn salaries, you’re the ones not doing the JOB! If you’re a lousy teacher, quit, get someone younger and one that wants to expand kids minds. Get out now!

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Former school board member here who resigned because there was so much admin corruption, waste, fraud, abuse.

It’s the admin and teachers union who are generally the problem —they keep bad teachers in the classroom. That’s why unions hate public charter schools : because generally the latter focus more on the kids, get rid of bad teachers, don’t get administrative bloat. They can’t afford to do any of these things or they’d lose their (pretty skimpy, compared to conventional school districts) funding.

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"Why make cuts when the country has grown and the federal workforce has stayed static?"

Former Federal Employee: 20% of the Workforce Does 80% of the Work, Almost Impossible to Get Fired: Personnel out of office working on their farms while being paid, driving drunk and bragging about it, napping in government vehicles, snoring at desks, not logging into their computers, hiring manager bragging that no one ever gets fired right after hiring her: https://substack.com/@tritorch/note/c-91693295 [4:32mins]

"The pattern repeats, even more extremely, at the Department of Education. Employee headcounts actually decreased since 2000, by 13.9%. But spending? It rose an astonishing 749%."

This is because it has nothing to do with education only indoctrination. We're in the middle of a world-wide communist coup where one small entity will own everything on this planet, and the first step is always the commandeering and subversion of the education system because children are always the soft target and when you control them you control a nation's future & destiny:

Bezmenov: "The First Stage, demoralization, as a process of gradually eroding the values and beliefs of a society until its members no longer have a clear sense of right and wrong. This involves the gradual erosion of traditional values, such as patriotism, family values, and religion.

This is achieved through the spread of propaganda that promotes moral relativism and undermines the authority of traditional institutions, along with psychological warfare, and infiltration of key institutions such as education and media."

“The predominant value system of an entire culture can be overturned in one generation, or certainly in two, by those with unlimited access to children.” -Dr. James Dobson

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have planted will never be uprooted.” -Lenin

“We’ll get you through your children!”-Roger Kimball

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What exactly does the government do well? 🤔

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The military, when it’s not led by Marxist loons.

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Who are/were the Marxist loons?

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You cannot be serious.

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You need an answer as to who the Marxists are? That’s seems incredibly obtuse. Milley was a cross dressing Marxist that committed treason and destroyed our military and recruiting numbers. Obama is a Marxist who promised to fundamentally transform our country in 2008. Waltz is a socialist and Harris is a communist. DEI and CRT are based on Marxist theory. Do you need more?

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