Adam, thanks for the Cliff Notes for Christmas dinner conversation! Your gift is truly appreciated!!

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-Plandemic 1 - Event 201 October 2019 -https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/videos.html and "released" in early 2020

-Plandemic 2 March 2021 Tabletop Excercise on MonkeyPox https://static1.squarespace.com/static/61910a2d98732d54b73ef8fc/t/6295de8864f2fa293418a0f6/1653989045776/monkeypox+paper.pdf - set to be "released" May 2022

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The Biden administration is very close to handing the World Health Organization power over every aspect of our lives. Imagine the civil liberties abuses of the Covid lockdowns, but permanent.


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It just seems, you know, that nobody's gotten smarter since, say, the Sumerian empire...you got your courtiers, and your trade routes, and everyone wants a little piece of the grift, and you can impress your friends and silence your awful in-laws with their ignorance because you can speak a language or two other than the one you started out with.

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"One can only 'HOPE' (he, she, they, their...) the discussions are as ineffective as critics suggest. America must stop subsidizing the hosts of this lavish globalist soiree" (He, she, they, their...) VOTE is May 22, 2022! The W.H.O. will be the arbitrator of (He, she, they, their...) destiny? WHO are you? Really?

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12 minutes you will/should make time for

Get your pencils out and buckle up!

Take notes


Draw your own conclusions

Take action or do nothing


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The government should not be contributing to ANY non-government entity. USAID also funds NED, which spearhead many "color revolutions." Actually, USAID should be shut down.

Another favorite trick is for government to hire a contractor to do a "study" on some issue, and wonder of wonder's the contractor returns a report recommending the government do exactly what the government wanted to do in the first place. This happens a lot on the local level, but at all other levels as well.

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trump is such a shame to give money to these wef rats.

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Thanks for pointing out the bi-partisan nature of this type of scam. It's a sickness that runs so deep I fear for our country's future. The squad voted unanimously to launder $40 billion through Ukraine.

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i think it’s a little more than 40B?

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Hey, a billion here, a billion there,... pretty soon you're talking about real money.

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I know... Bunch of useless wimps.

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I'm tired of living in a "charity " country.

When do we see any benefits from our good doings?

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

The US has been a welfare state for the rich and powerful, individuals and companies, for a long, long time. It's called fascism.

Also know as, the best government money can buy.

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I truly believe it is time for a REAL Tea Party. Time to STOP paying taxes. The WEF offers no value to America. Instead they aim to destroy America and Americans are paying for their own destruction. We need to get out of the UN and all of its affiliated agencies. Congress holds the purse strings and we need to start putting pressure on them to defund the NIH, CDC, FDA, HHS, UN, WEF. None of these agencies are constitutional and they should not even exist.

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Simply put, it appears we are paying this group to commit crimes.....on us, the world.....

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Unbelievable! It's kind of like the welfare scam where taxpayers subsidize the workforce to a livable level while McDonalds/Walmart get cheap labor. These people are nothing but pirates and carpet baggers!

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all in one room? one could hope that an overenthusiastic member might bring a vial of their latest bioweapon as a visual aid and Resident Evil that thing.

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Government is not your friend. Thanks for documenting one more instance of their malfeasance.

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I found it upsetting to know that American politicians like Lindsey Graham and Trump's SIL were attendees of a recent WEF event. I had no idea America was helping to fund the WEF. Sickening.

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Graham is a rhino.

Yes this is very disturbing to find out where OUR money is being spent. 😣

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