I can't believe this is real? :)

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Watch the Pentagon thumb their noses, without consequences...

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Thanks for this report. We have to chip away until it breaks and stops.

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Does any sane American citizen actually believe any truth other than costs to the TAXPAYERS will be the endall result of this expensive endeavor by Loyd Austin and the JOBAMA leftist NWO administration currently Regiming In DC will make a difference your truly bsting yourself with mental maturation HOWEVER ! THIS IS THE TRUTH WHICH ,LETS BE REAL HERE NOBODY WANTS TO REALLY HEAR AM I RIGHT !? J/S

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That’s great, but the government doesn’t do the audits it’s already been assigned. There has never been a report to congress on vaers data. The military can’t pass an audit and there’s no repercussion. How will you make them actually obey this law when they don’t obey the others?

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Got my toes and fingers crossed. But I won't be holding my breath.

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Page 440 The Wuhan Cover-up by RFK jr. "The Global Virome Project (GVP) under the leadership of such characters as Dennis Carroll and Peter Daszak is creating a pipeline of pandemic-ready superbugs for an endless parade of pandemic emergencies with each corporate partner ready to roll out instantaneous mRNA vaccines. Under Avril Haines' watchful gaze, President Biden has called for $88 billion to study and inventory all the viruses. "

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Trump was in the process of cutting the "CCP/PLA Gordian Knot", thus the launch of the SCAMDEMIC and fraudulent expertise.

When do the hangings begin?

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Even more weird is that why would China, our competitor and almost enemy be ok with Western agencies and corporations using their bsl lab?

Could you imagine a Chinese agency running their experiments in our labs in the USA? No.

It's even more crazy that there's a paper trail, which you're reporting on.

Wouldn't you think that if they were doing this in secret, they would have used other methods of funding that aren't specifically tied to those labs? It's been done before, like 600 dollar toilet seats for the Pentagon etc.

The lab leak narrative is as much bullshit as the wet market narrative. They both serve to promote the idea that covid was something novel. Read this and see the scam and consider the points I just made to see the issue with both of these stories.


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Long overdue! Thank you Senator Joni Ernst and those that supported her in this effort. Thank you Open the Books!

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Hope there will be numbers and results and not stalling...time will tell! Thank you for your hard work!

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