This is great information as I am the president of a Republican Club in Palm Desert Ca. We also interact with 12 other conservative clubs in the Coachella Valley, and they will be very impressed with the information you have provided.

Thank You,

Mike Morsch

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Brilliant work, OTB. Thank you for exposing the corruption that must be destroyed and flushed down its laundered drain. We’re so lucky to have you, DOGE, and a supportive administration finally be able to work together FOR the American people instead of against them.

You’ve clearly shown that it doesn’t take more people to spend more money. Fewer people — guided by crooked people — can spend gobs of money with the flick of a pen and the press of a key.

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Thanks for another report that needs action. Of course there will be none. Why?

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For some reason your charts of employee counts use a different time scale than your charts of expenditures, which obfuscates the issue. And it could be perfectly reasonable for expenditures to rise a lot more than headcount, for example if more work was being contracted, or grants became more efficiently administered.

That said, I'm sure there is plenty of waste and I hope you'll continue to find it.

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Bravo OTB and DOGE patriots.

"By the numbers" our “government” has become a money laundering, criminal enterprise.

PULL BACK THE MASK, expose, defund, investigate/prosecute AND HOLD ACCOUNTABLE.

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Oooo...please tell us more about the "transgender mice"!

Open The Books, you are fools for putting any stock in the DOGE scam, and will likely come to regret it. To date, DOGE's claims to have found "massive savings" have been fraught with errors, and most of their claims have been disproved. They've already had to retract FIVE of their seven biggest claims, and as for “savings”: the current government has spent about $710 billion in the first month of Agent Orange's term, compared with about $630 billion spent during the same timeframe last year. It costs US taxpayers about $10 million dollars every time that guy goes golfing - if you're so alarmed over wasted federal funding, why don't you do something about THAT?

Instead of showing "great savings", these guys have only revealed just how poorly Musk and "Team Clowncar" understand the workings of the federal government, as illustrated by having to hire back numerous individuals they fired who are actually CRUCIAL to the nation, including the people guarding the U.S. nuclear stockpile.

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Of course DOGE must make a splash for news and may not deliver in detail. But their efforts gain attention to what Open the Books has been doing for years. DOGE is a shiny new thing and has grabbed public attention. They need to check their work but are useful.

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Point taken...except they didn't use auditors to do the work of an audit - they brought in "programmers", which certainly lends a nefarious intention and a certain "fishy" smell to the whole op.

No, at the end of the day, DOGE is UNCONSTITUTIONAL because it was created without congressional approval and grants an executive of a prime military contractor, (a HUGE conflict of interest), unchecked authority. DOGE is a clear violation of the Appointments Clause in the U.S. Constitution.

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Does somebody have "TDS"?

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The only "Syndrome" of "Derangement" in evidence that I see is that presented by "Trump" himself: a cognitively failing insurrectionist, adjudicated felon, and in violation to his vow to uphold the US Constitution that many of us have taken in service to our country. Usually the people accused of "TDS" by the uninformed are actually knowledgeable, clear-minded individuals that recognise treason when they see it.

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It is absolutely certain that DOGE will make some errors. But it seems that overall they're finding a lot that can be safely, or even beneficially eliminated.

If it costs $10 million for the President to golf, that works out to about 3 cents per taxpayer, and I'm not upset by it.

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Ah, so you're okay with letting Nero fiddle while an unelected foreign-born-billionaire that not ONE American citizen voted for has access to the US Treasury Department payment system. What could possibly go wrong? lol

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Actually, all Americans, including the foreign-born, should read-only access to this system. We're entitled to know where our taxes go. Those of us who are billionaires can hire folks to usefully analyze the information. You probably know that Open The Books has made considerable progress in this regard.

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I would rather see a few rehired than a thousand still employed doing nothing. I’ll take DOGE’s efforts and results any time over the gov’s poor operations.

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The Federal Register is fiction. Politicians give a speech, it's supposed to be recounted verbatim in the Federal Register... but if there's a bullet attached to the speech, the politician edited what is reported. They can say one thing & have the Federal Register print the exact opposite.

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Other than speeches, what makes the Federal Register fiction? I've never used it to look up speeches.

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I’m now thoroughly convinced that Biden was placed in power to steal billions and launder it back to the swamp. The frightening part is almost half of America is convinced that Biden is for them..

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Can there be any doubt by this point?

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