We are $33T in debt primarily because of government contractors. There are about 2.5 million federal workers, but over 10 million government contractors. These are the guys who charge the Pentagon 1K for a toilet seat. That's where all the money goes -- trillions of it -- into the black budget and into the pockets of corrupt govt. contractors. It's why no one EVER suggests we audit these contracts. An Executive Order could be issued by the Chief Executive to investigate this corruption. Or, an EO to simply cancel all govt contracts and require all contractors to resubmit. Then we would see, by those screaming the loudest, where the corruption is.

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Thanks for bringing out the truth!!

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Living large....on our money🤬🤬🤬

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Each state should stop collecting federal taxes. If they don’t have money, they can’t do anything.

We are not slaves. We used to be free citizens but now our government believes they can take our money and spend it on bullshit. They have done so for many years.

I’m not sure why we citizens put up with the infringement on our freedoms????

As the working class gets smaller, taxes increase and the government takes more and more of our wealth while simultaneously reducing our rights.


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Of course they did. Why would you put money towards things that are actually of value? Naturally people need to come back to an office where the furniture must be of higher quality. Even though most people aren't doing that.

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I am done paying taxes. No more for me.

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Our government is out of control!! Money spent like this while citizens and our country suffer.


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Disgusting and appalling.

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Big money easily leads to bad or frivolous spending, is what I have learned. My income has rarely topped 30 grand, and is more often near 20 grand. This knowledge has served me very well in life.

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Keep up the great job!

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Reminds me of the $52,000 trash can the pentagon spent lmao

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Millions of dollars spent, but can they actually prove what was purchased?? How much of it went into feds' pockets. I think this just shows again, the use it or lose it budget mentality needs to be corrected. How about, save money and do their freaking job!! This shows how ridiculous the budget department is. Or how about if they save money, we put it into SS to payback what they've stolen from it??

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It's part of the use it or lose it budget mentality. At the end of the fiscal year, any unspent money from the annual budget triggers wish list (not needed) items to be purchased. The thought is, if you don't spend your entire annual budget, your budget will be reduced the following year.

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Solar powered picnic tables??? I think this money is funneled into Black ops projects.

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So...did they actually BUY furniture, or, is that just what they SAID they spent the money on?

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They needed to put their dead asses somewhere...

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