He needs to pay for his own security out of his pocket. He should be grateful there hasn’t been any vigilante justice so far. I hope he constantly looks over his shoulder and feels as helpless and anxious they way he made millions of week minded Americans feel.
Fauci is a lying, grifting, accomplice to Mass Deception and Murder. He needs to be in prison and ALL of his wealth confiscated and given to those families hurt or killed by his health lies.
Ran into Fauci this past weekend at a resort in Cedar Key, Texas. He had two very large men with him at all times even securing the entrances to the hotel coffee shop.
As a criminal, he needs to pay it back!
We should send him to a $15 million prison for the rest of his natural life.
Why can't open the books be apartt of the new administraion. You guys been doing all the heavy lifting. I hope Elan Musk knows about you guys.
Wouldn't solitary confinement in a maximum security prison be better?
Put JFK in charge of setting what security coverage Fauci should have by tax payers.
He needs to pay for his own security out of his pocket. He should be grateful there hasn’t been any vigilante justice so far. I hope he constantly looks over his shoulder and feels as helpless and anxious they way he made millions of week minded Americans feel.
This is so painful to learn.. yet better the truth be known than stealing continued behind our backs.
fauci needs to be killed
I hope someday I stumble across the opportunity to do it.
Fauci is a lying, grifting, accomplice to Mass Deception and Murder. He needs to be in prison and ALL of his wealth confiscated and given to those families hurt or killed by his health lies.
Since Fauci is a private citizen, does he pay taxes on this benefit?
The only ‘security’ he needs is behind the walls of Gitmo.
How the heck could security cost $45000 a day, and why should we pay for it?
This is exactly why we need to drain the swamp!
He will have plenty of security when he is in prison.
my thoughts exactly!
Ran into Fauci this past weekend at a resort in Cedar Key, Texas. He had two very large men with him at all times even securing the entrances to the hotel coffee shop.
A mass murderer. And he's STILL walking around free.
Why? Why are we protecting Fauci? 🖕🖕🖕🖕