That retirement income is grown more than comfortable, but how can Fauci retire without the limelight he seeks?

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Defund Fauci.

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With this type of payout forever, we certainly want to make sure Fauci is "protected" from COVID with all the vaccines and boosters, plus going forward, vaxxed for future diseases he and big pharma will create in those biodefense labs which will require new vaxxs. Wonder if part of his retirement package is an IRS tax exemption for the rest of his life? Not enough Pepto Bismol for this one.

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Don't forget the millions of dollars from big pharma in a numbered account hidden in the Bahamas or switzerland. Consider it off balance sheet financing. He was paid well and that dictated his bizarre behavior during the pandemic.

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Arrest him for profiteering, confiscate all his wealth for the people killed or maimed by the jab and send him to prison for his retirement.

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The democrat is a diseased feral animal. The obsession and lust of the democrat is for death … death any way it can get it. Mass murder, pandemic death, shootings, rioting, execution of LEOs, are celebrated by the democrat. But there is a special fondness and hunger in the democrat for the torture, mutilation and murder of young babies. These are very sick and evil creatures.

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Fauci won't need mo ey where he's going. He'll get a jumpsuit for crimes against humanity.

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It's totally ridiculous that Fauci gets an extravagant salary AND will get an even more lavish annual retirement. Sure he was in the 'thick of a world wide problem', BUT it was a problem that he was complicit in creating!!! He should be tried and criminally sentenced and pension taken away.

Additionally, the legislature should introduce a bill(s) that: (a) caps federal employee retirement to not include 'end of career salary spiking' and if working past age 65, retirement will be based on salary at age 63 to 65, (b) that federal employee can file for patents but government will own the patent and all financial gain goes to the US Treasury.

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Fauci is one of the great American men of the 21 Century, like Bill Gates and a few others. If anyone earned a lucrative government pension, he certainly did. Without guys like him our world leading death rate would not be a million dead but 10 or 20. Ditto that for many other infectious diseases too. The man deserves the Nobel Prize.

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You whack job. You can’t possibly believe what you just said.People like you are why this country is so screwed up. There is no hope for you. Fay I is the devil himself. Just try to use your brain and look up what he has done. He should be behind bars Crawl out from your basement take off your 12 masks, take off your face shield and look at at what’s going on because of him

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Not enough Pepto Bismol for this remark, either. Unbelievable how deluded you are regarding this man who has created diseases and vaccines since 1984, reaping millions of profit in various ways, and has killed, maimed, caused un-numbered long-term, permanent, health injuries (VAERS does not record all the deaths and permanent health injuries caused by vaccines expecially the COVID vax) and you want to gived him a Nobel Prize? You need to read "The Real Anthony Fauci", by Robert F Kennedy Jr. , provided, of course, you are not a paid bot/troll.

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The democrat is a diseased feral animal. The obsession and lust of the democrat is for death … death any way it can get it. Mass murder, pandemic death, shootings, rioting, execution of LEOs, are celebrated by the democrat. But there is a special fondness and hunger in the democrat for the torture, mutilation and murder of young babies. These are very sick and evil creatures.

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Don't you understand that he put millions of dollars into the Wuhan lab to ramp up Covid to kill people then lied continously about the virus. He then helped set up more labs around the world many of which Putin destroyed in Ukraine. There are many more still in existence in other countries. He's a mass murderer for the Globalists. I never fail to be astonished how deluded most of America is. Do a little research on Duckduckgo about the Great Reset.

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Fraudci deserves no pension, but a trial, conviction and death for treason, instead.

Dimocraps have no memory so they should save the news to refresh their memory when needed.

As head of NIAH, Fraudci approved millions of U.S. dollars to fund "Gain of Function" research on Covid 19 at the Wuhan Virological Institute in China, which is a Bioweapons Lab managed by the CCP Military.

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Dr Fauci has worked in government for 50 years!! 50 years!!! Of course his retirement is more than someone who has worked half that time. For crying out loud!

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LOL...you are a Voice of reason...Fauci is a corrupt, politician in the pocket of globalist criminals. I am running out of Pepto Bismol for these posts

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That's his salary. It doesn't include all of his bonuses.

But I guess there's some Pharma royalties there.

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Who would have thought murdering folks worldwide paid so well.

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The democrat is a diseased feral animal. The obsession and lust of the democrat is for death … death any way it can get it. Mass murder, pandemic death, shootings, rioting, execution of LEOs, are celebrated by the democrat. But there is a special fondness and hunger in the democrat for the torture, mutilation and murder of young babies. These are very sick and evil creatures.

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Yes, we're in a war. Unfortunately for us, he's fighting for the enemy.

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It is absolutely sickening, what our tax dollars go-to at times. Fauci is a scumbag. Our tax dollars have funded a lavish, elitist lifestyle for Fauci now for almost six decades and made him worth more than sixteen million dollars ... and for what? What has this political operative ever done for this country or for mankind? Answer: Nothing, Nada, Niente! In fact, he probably cost millions of American, et al, lives through his bravo sierra lockdown policies and by pushing bad vaccines ... not to mention his hand in the stolen election (which has cost countless lives in terms of withdrawels and wars, etc.). It is absolutely sickening. Read Robert Kennedy, Jr.'s book about The Real Anthony Fauci. It is THE #1 international Best Selling non-fiction book to be had and has been for weeks ... but the MSM keeps covering-it-up.

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I would pay that if he prevented disease, not for controlling disease-" center for disease control?"

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Combat casualty?

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