Great reporting, well-wrought and easily understood article. Sadly, I'm now sick to my stomach - again. You guys who daily dig this stuff up and deseminate it have iron guts and strong constitutions.

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I still laugh at the Michelle Trail. The last thing I think of when forced tot honk of her is hiking and nature. Has she ever put on hiking boots and been more than twenty feet from a sidewalk.

And what does Michelle have to do with Georgia? Has she ever been there?

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DEFUND CONGRESS. Place capitations on how much they can PORK, FLEECE or otherwise ROB AMERICAN TAXPAYERS! This $1.7T Omnibus Bill is a violation of a contract with the American taxpayer wherein Congress can now be sued and all those voting for $1.7T Omnibus Bill will be part of the class action lawsuit.

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We need to grit our teeth and defund many government agencies. Regardless of consequences.

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#EndTheFed, right? Well lets get this Convention of States thing done and do this right. Budget restraints won't be enough, I fear, work-arounds will be found. We need to end much more than the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard (or at least some standard). Military, roads, end the IRS and the things it exists for (SS, Medcar & aid, etc). We can do this, we're Americans!

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Ds, Rs, and MSM belong to the same cabal in DC. It's about them getting rich, powerful, and in control of everything; They support the dumbing down of America; look at American education at any level.

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Yep, disgust doesn’t come close to what I’m thinking ; we need a paradigm shift to overcome this cabal and look for a True Insurrection !

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I miss the good old days when we had the best politicians money could buy.

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This corrupt system needs to be brought down.

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The worst of these are the earmarks for colleges that have BILLIONS in their coffers! The only benefit I see is the reputation of the CORRUPT politicians sending hard earned tax dollars to their pet projects! This $hit needs to stop!

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Why do I get the feeling that the money somehow comes back again in the form of 'donations'?

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Thank you for explaining this. I had heard the term but never really understood the implications.

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the government is a fucking disgrace.

I really wonder how people are so dumb to not realize that it has always been the people against the rulers. Or maybe they are even dumber to think that they will become the rulers one day...

Secession and taking back power from the government is absolutely the only answer.

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Taking back power? Forget about it; The ones in control now know how to put a TV in front of everyone, make getting cheap food available easy, and keep everyone with a few dollars in their pockets. All this keeps the masses content.

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sad but most likely true. We probably need to wait until these guys collapse. Rome tried the same system and it worked. Until it didnt anymore.

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These days "bi-partisan" simply means "really, really bad." The USA PATRIOT Act was bi-partisan.

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Until we organize to protest this theft of our money, this will never stop. Grant writing is a lucrative career. We need to do more than “Occupy Wall Street”. This country came into being due to “Taxation without Representation”. That is what this is. It’s time we change the narrative. Please post a list of the top offenders so we can start there.

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i, from europe, can see it very clearly, american politics are all about money.

and there is absolutely no difference between democrat or conservative.

the real master are not biden et all nor the democrats nor the republicans.

the real masters operate in the shadow and use the politicians as hand puppets.

the real money goes to the masters and the politicians divide the remainder between themselves.

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I have to respectfully disagree with your statement that there's no difference between "democrat or conservative."

It would be correct to say there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans, but there's nothing conservative about either political party. That's part of the problem.

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When a congress person is going to retire, they should not be allowed to vote on anything in the lame duck session and maybe even before. Blunt has be voting out of character since he announced his retirement.

The thin thread we had to hold their feet to the fire is gone after they announce. But I’m not too naive to realize that they’ll simply put off their announcement, if that ever comes to be.

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