A good grift is you can get it? Things that make you go hmmmm

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There are many medical laboratory scientist throughout the world lie and cheat and declare responsible for the discover, part due - Royalties. Challenge: Investigate the last most financially 10 bacteria, virus, DNA, RNA discoveries, then follow the money trail and structural culture.

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How well are the Special Government Employees who review NIH grants, vetted for conflict on interest?

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It's good to hear you putting forward all this important information. I've been told that talking about how people profit from things is terrible because I'm not caring about people's lives. But obviously this impacts policy and the way people live so much.

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If they are on the payroll and it relates to their employment all patents and any and all income derived from those patents should be property of the United States Government.

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Science loves incest. Who knew?

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Fuck "transparency." No government employee, especially those charged with regulation of corporations using their intellectual discoveries, should receive royalties from the use of their discoveries. This is not just the "appearance" of a conflict of interest. It is blatant. No individual employees of large corporations receive royalties on their intellectual property, even though there is no conflict between the interest of the employee and that of the corporation. The corporations own the intellectual property.

When an employee of the federal government generates intellectual property, that property must be owned by the government in general, not by the employee. Otherwise, the employee has an incentive to influence the government to subsidize, in one way or another, the licensing of that property to a private entity for production. Lax regulation is only one of the many forms such subsidy may occur. It may also come in the form of direct funding for the licensed entity or other favorable treatment.

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That's the way things worked in the private sector while I was employed. They paid my salary, the fruits of my efforts belonged to them. Both parties understood that. No argument.

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How would Americans feel if FDA scientists instead of assuring the safety of our food were working to invent new additives and collecting royalties for this? Or if USDA scientists patented & personally profited from genetically engineered seed stocks? Would we trust the government in their primary role of oversight in the interest of our safety? Of course not! That we allow this in the case of CDC is bizarre. Thanks for wonderful reporting.

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Great reporting; how can we support openthebooks more than just subscribing?

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