Amazing work. Well done. Carry on!

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Fo’Chi deserves a long, supervised retirement in Leavenworth.

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Repulsive…how many dead at his hands?

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Faucci should be charged with “MURDER”. Lying to Congress, lying to the President. Also, Obama and Biden should be charged as an accessory before and after the facts.

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District attorneys make choices every day about what should be prosecuted. We are all criminals then because of the books full of laws that we all break everyday but are never selected for prosecution. The choice to prosecute this was completely political. Glorifying in the legitimacy of the verdict conveniently misses the point . It would take me an hour to find laws that you break every day. Allowing this means they will come for you too one day.

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A neglected area of concern is the payments to nonprofits and Catholic Charities for subsidizing illegal immigration. As a Catholic I have stopped paying the annual Catholic appeal because I suspect it subsidizes this activity, including housing, feeding, transporting, educating and treating illegal immigrants. This is an area that Open The Books should investigate.... thank you for your work

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The corruption goes deeper than that - follow the money. Big Pharma spends $Ms annually to lobby Congress, money that coulda been invested in new product development. However, Big Pharma shareholders expect financial returns on their investment money, or the company share price would drop. All the $Ms in covid vax development funding was taxpayer money, but there’s no evidence of a provision for taxpayers to get a financial return on their investment and Big Pharma isn’t risking any $. In the private sector ALL investment $ availability is predicated on a reasonable expectation of return of & on investment if the product sells, and if it doesn’t all that $ is lost, a pure expense on the P&L. But if risk-free product development investment $ can be obtained from taxpayers and the only expense involved is lobbying to create the pipeline and then royalties if the product sells, that’s as great a financial bargain as exists. What other large private industry has such a legal financial gravy train?! Congress extended liability immunity beyond the covid vax manufacturers to persons administering it, which further reduced the financial downside risk from the product’s use, thus even further sweetening the scheme’s bargain.

Adding to that were myriad actions to hide and obfuscate anything which could impair the covid vax money gravy train. First, the contracts with Big Pharma were let for the first time via a secret mechanism the CIA uses to hide it’s activities, so the drug development contracts using taxpayers’ money remain secret to taxpayers (the investors) and industry competitors. There’s zero national security justification for this! When’s somebody going to sue to out these contracts?! Second, the clinical trials data was also kept secret so parties had to sue for release, which only then occured in small periodic drabs very long after the govt bought $Bs of unproven vax - with taxpayers’ $, which automatically triggered and accelerated receipt of royalties. Third, every effort was made by the involved ‘health’ agencies to promote the vax and aggressively suppress any even expert critical review, comment, opinion or experience, and suppressed all competing alternatives to enable widespread EUA use. This included financial incentives to hospitals and others to support the gravy train’s scheme. All in direct support of increased royalties. Fourth, parties has to sue for release of information about the royalty payments and even now complete information is withheld. Fifth, the vax makers used confidential agreements to move product into other countries, which hid the paper trail about the private global financial benefits of public investments - don’t the taxpayers, the original at risk investors have a right to know??? All these actions had the effect of increasing the royalties, enhancing the value of the scheme and protecting it for future use.

And one thought it was bad enough that the covid vax development contracts were let to a company which was convicted of marketing fraud and another who never developed a vaccine before. The above financial assistance scheme was made in heaven for such companies. Next we ought to be asking how much money was made on the stocks of these companies by agency & Congressional insiders who knew or were part of the scheme. And how many political favors were paid back to cronies who got tipped off early???

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I appreciate your clarity on this matter. Americans have been sorely abused. Again.

The difference is between what's wrong and what's

right. I recognize what is good for our humanity.

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Congresswoman Malliotakis asked the Evil elf again today in COVID oversight committee about the exorbitant royalties received by NIH/NIAID from big pharma. The elf said he received only a minimal amount himself from some monoclonal antibody patent or other. How is it that congressional oversight can’t obtain all the redacted transaction records to each and every scientist that received royalties from big pharma ...or have they?? 😙. How is it that NIH/NIAID doesn’t have to divulge that information to Congress?? Where’s that written in the law? Or, are they just refusing to release it...like the Biden audio via Hur Report??

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Well done!!!!! 👍🏽

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Thank you. Don’t have the time, energy, or the means. Thank YOU.

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Grateful that we can count on Open The Books to be our trusted watchdog over our corrupt bureaucracies in government.

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as with everything else.. best thing to find the reason for something is to: "Follow the money"!

Nuremeberg 2.0 can NOT soon enough! Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! and most of all: absolutely NO appeals!!!

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This was always suspected but now we’re actually seeing confirmation of the facts behind it. Many people were censored for making claims of this nature. Yet it was obviously true.

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Why should scientist inventors on government payroll receive royalties? Not only should it be transparent, the monies should go to the US treasury, not the foxes guarding the chicken coop.

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