I hate him.

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I remember at least one Hugh error by Biden/harris! They paid multimillionaires millions in loans for their businesses than forgave the loans. But the homeowners that could not afford to pay mortgages, were still required to pay or lose their homes! That is what Biden/ Harris did and destroyed the middle class! Why would TOM BRADY, KIM KARDASIAN, PAUL PELOSI( what business? Insider trading?) all got millions in loans and then loans forgiven! But Harris wants to help middle class? That kind of help is not needed!

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This is why we need to take a chainsaw to the budget and defund most departments or even castrate some.

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Heh. Keep paying your taxes.🙄

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These are simply inadvertent accounting errors, aren’t they? I mean, every business makes improper payments to vendors that are a huge proportion of its revenue. Accounting is really hard. If only there could be some mechanical help, like computers or something.

This is all just a big misunderstanding, I’m sure. It’s not like there’s systematic theft or anything. Because if it were really organized crime, you would think they might try really hard to stop anyone who wants to derail the gravy train, maybe even try to kill him.

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