Adam and Rush should be enjoying what they're seeing

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Nice guitar collection! 🎸

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NC's "Culture of Corruption" from Coast to Raleigh to D.C. Damns Asheville Flood Victims.


After decades of embezzlement, bribery, rapes, lynching's, child sexual and physical abuse in public schools. and political violence and terrorism by N.C. judicial, law enforcement & government officials, aided by DOJ, FBI and other Federal Agencies and officials.



Sexual abuse of children, violence toward political “threats” to corrupt NC officials, aid to these crimes by NC and Federal government, judicial, law enforcement, “trusted” institutions, media...the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER in NC. District Attorney Office's used for rape, theft of taxpayer funds, child abuse and sadistic violence are NC's "Culture of Corruption," according to the FBI.

The same FBI that has and continues to aid and collude in criminal misconduct "Under color of law." subverting with violence representative democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutional and civil rights, due process, whistleblower protections, protection of minors from abuse and sexual violence trauma, and engaging in sadistic brutality, torture, deprivation of basic rights, and torment of crime victims by subverting legal procedures & due process, undermining local democratic government for corrupt allies, and providing for embezzlement of public funds for personal theft and bribery additionally aided by media, law enforcement, clergy and both major political parties and officials.

Evil, child abuse, rapist DAs and New Hanover County Sheriff's Office criminal gangs have a home, as do bribed fake media "reporters" and sadistic corruption crimes long-established & cherished in NC Culture in lieu of virtue, morality, ethics, integrity and any semblance of empathy or human decency. Violent crimes, child abuse, embezzlement, lynchings, sadistic violence & retaliation are valued and have a home in a City of Wilmington, NC Government, fighting corruption DOES NOT, NOWHERE in the Cape Fear Region or among NC's elected officials, judiciary, law enforcement, schools or government staff with their decades of FBI & DOJ aided brutality, murders, and rampant criminal violence & corruption beyond anything anywhere else in the USA:


Sexual use of children along with lynching and violence toward political “threats” to the corrupt policies and violent as wells as financial crimes, antidemocracy terrorism, preventable deaths, torture and absence of Rule of Law, Justice and responsible, lawful government, policing, criminal justice, education, and emergency management have suffered across N.C. as a result of years of theft, violent criminal abuses, and criminal misconduct by the “Culture of Corruption” according to the FBI.

The FBI, US Department of Justice, Dept. of Education, and NC and local officials in Eastern NC have with the Federal agencies aided and colluded these crimes, despite the undeniable actionable and likely admissible evidence possessed by local, NC and Federal government, judicial, law enforcement and other “trusted” institutions, the media, and much of the public.

Despite the increasing numbers of victims who have sought action, justice, criminal & corrupt priorities have been the unchallenged and unchecked priority and established policy for decades and the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER to local officials, the State of NC, NC SBI, AG Stein or Gov. Cooper!


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Adam exposed the fraud of a lot of businesses. Can't help but think some of those people would harm him.

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I, like others, am very curious to know the cause of death. Was someone responsible?

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Barack Hussein Obama? I'm outta here.

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God bless Adam. He likely will continue his mission from a higher plane. I am hopeful that the example of your organization will be applied to the ongoing historical corruptions within our federal government. Just to List a few: excepting bribes from lobbyist, insider trading, deficit spending (costs passed to citizens by resulting inflation and diminished dollar value), filling spending bills with pork, financing undeclared wars, not enforcing immigration law, allowing seditious acts (I judge treasonous) of mayors or governors ordering law-enforcement to stand down in the face of acts of violence, destruction, or in some cases invasion and seizure of property, power applied by government or corporate entities to limit freedom of travel or speech. In many of these and other instances our judges, courts, even the Supreme Court has not properly defended our rights under the Constitution or punish those who have violated Constitutional principles. R.A.Wymer, MD, cdr/mc/USN(ret)

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Did Adam get the clot shot? He was very young to die so suddenly.

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No matter whose name is attached to the legacy, I'm taking you at you word for your stated philosophy and beliefs--leaving out political affiliations--concerning this important matter: the financial health of our nation. Continue Adam's work and you have my continued support. Wishing you success and good health in this endeavor. Bring it all to the light.

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I feel so sad 😞 Why am I just now learning about Adam Andrzejewski’s passing?!? Open The Books is the BEST and so is Adam Andrzejewski 💥

Peace and Love To All 💗

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BIG shoes to fill.

P.S. Massive irony... that Barry Soetoro had ANYTHING to do with legislation enabling transparency.

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America needs Open the Books and the more people that become aware of it mission the better chance America has to reeling in the untethered spending that shows no sign of letting up. Stay the course,you are making a differnce.

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I did not know about Adam's passing. My heart is so sad. He was a warrior for sure. My prayers are with his family and friends. Blessings to Open The Books. Thank you onbehalf of America.

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Congratulations and wishing you every success as you follow in the footsteps of a patriot giant. And, how fitting the Spending Genome Project be renamed Project Adam in honor of Adam Andrzejewski respected and loved by so many. Blessings

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